HE providers

Birkbeck is different: classes are in the evening, so you can work, volunteer or do your own thing during the day. Record numbers of students are doing just that and getting a head start on their future careers; at a global elite university, which is part of the prestigious University of London.

Upon founding in 1823, Birkbeck’s mission was, “Education for all”, and we remain true to this today, supporting students from Sixth forms, FE Colleges, workplaces and living rooms. We give everyone who wants to, the chance to thrive in a stimulating learning environment in the heart of London.

Outreach Provision

We support lifelong learning & upskilling, through delivering long term projects and one-off workshops:

  • Applying to university: Personal statements, UCAS application, Student finance
  • Student life: Budgeting, Preparing for university
  • Study skills: Organisation, Academic reading, Notetaking, Critical analysis, Essay planning
  • Numeracy: Maths for real life
  • Careers: CV Writing, Getting a work experience placement, Interview skills
  • Taster Days: Subject specific days, University experience days

The groups we primarily work with are KS5 & FE students, mature learners and communities; however, we are always open to working with others, and have worked with cohorts of students in KS2-4 previously.

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Malet St, Bloomsbury, London, England WC1E 7HX